In certain situations, audit, review or compilation services cannot be applied with the hopes of providing the level of results necessary for management to properly evaluate a specific area of their organization. An agreed-upon procedures engagement can be used to provide you with an independent review of a specific component or internal control system within your organization in which you receive a report with the unbiased results of those procedures. In an agreed-upon procedures engagement, we do not express an opinion or negative assurance, instead we issue a report that details the specific procedures performed and the results of those procedures. This can be a very helpful tool to our clients in order to identify potential weaknesses in internal controls or to satisfy grant or contract requirements.
Our agreed-upon procedures are performed in accordance with the attestation standards established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.
Please contact one of our professionals to find out more about how Daniel Dennis & Company LLP can help you meet your requirements for agreed upon procedures.